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are seeking products and services that not only address cosmetic   Rather than viewing aging as something to be feared, there is
          concerns but also support their overall health and vitality.   a growing acceptance of aging as a natural part of the human
          This  shift  has  led  to  the  development  of  beauty  offerings  that   experience and an increasing emphasis on healthy aging.
          combine  cosmetic,  mental,  and  physical  benefits  all  into  one,   As society moves toward a more accepting stance on age, such
          incorporating elements such as natural ingredients, sustainable   a  change  brings  forth  positive  outlooks  on  overall  quality  of
          practices, and personalized approaches to health and beauty.  life. According to recent studies, there is a strong association
          By incorporating insights from blue zones and other research   between positive perception of aging and overall quality of life,
          into their practices, beauty  and  wellness companies can   thus concluding that “promoting a positive perception of aging
          help empower individuals to care for their health in a     and  a self-care attitude  would  help  to  enhance  older adults’
          multidimensional way while simultaneously changing the     quality of life”  and  should  be included  in  the messages that
          stigma around age: consumers now aspire to age gracefully and   companies send out to their consumers.
          healthily. Ultimately, the integration of insights from longevity   Such a shift in perspectives has profound implications for the
          research into the beauty industry represents a significant step   beauty industry, as it challenges traditional notions of beauty
          towards a more health-conscious and destigmatized approach   and  prompts a re-evaluation  of  beauty standards. Instead
          to  beauty  and  age.  By  recognizing  the  interconnectedness  of   of  striving  to  recapture  youthfulness,  the  movement  tends
          physical, mental, and emotional well-being, the industry can   toward  embracing  aging.  As  preventive  care  takes its  place
          better meet the evolving needs and aspirations of consumers in   into consumers’  daily  routines, the focus has shifted to a
          their pursuit of a longer, healthier life.                 holistic view  of  aging. Consumers seek  to look  and  feel  good
                                                                     from the inside out, and subsequently age gracefully. There is
          Longevity and Beauty:                                      a myriad of factors that contribute to optimal internal health
          A Shifting Perspective on Aging Prompts a                  for a healthy  external  appearance.  A  study  published  in  the
          Positive Re-Evaluation of Beauty Standards                 National  Library  of  Medicine  that  focuses  on  gut-brain-skin

          Traditionally, the  beauty  industry  has  largely  equated  beauty   interconnectedness has shown that the intestinal microbiota
          with  youthfulness,  often  promoting  products  and  treatments   is highly responsible for skin health  and skin longevity. Such
          aimed at erasing or concealing signs of aging. However, as our   findings are prompting a shifting approach to skin health and
          understanding of health and well-being evolves, the perception   aging: instead of focusing solely on anti-aging solutions that
          around aging is steadily shifting.                         treat one’s external appearance, there is a greater emphasis
                                                                     on products and services that support inner health and vitality.
                                                                     Skin care formulations may incorporate ingredients that nourish
                                                                     and rejuvenate the skin from within, rather than simply masking
                                                                     the signs of aging, and supplements aimed at re-balancing gut
                                                                     health may communicate its benefits to include skin health.

                                                                     Hormones: Celebrating Them as
                                                                     the Life Companions That They Are

                                                                     It would be impossible to discuss health-span without addressing
                                                                     hormones. Hormones, or the body’s chemical messengers,
                                                                     play a huge part in one’s physiological and mental well-being.
                                                                     Frequently seen as unwelcome troublemakers, hormones are
                                                                     an essential part of life’s journey. Bringing about physiological,
                                                                     mental,  and  emotional  changes,  hormones  and  their  periodic
                                                                     imbalances have long been perceived negatively and have not
                                                                     been openly talked about until very recently. Ranging across the
                                                                     entirety of life’s journeys from puberty, pregnancy, post-partum,
                                                                     menopause, andropause, and everything in between, hormonal
                                                                     changes affect everyone from early life to elderly years.
                                                                     As the health-span movement continues to settle itself in
                                                                     consumers’ mindsets, hormonal changes are taking center
                                                                     stage and are being more openly discussed, and celebrated,
                                                                     than ever before. The movement extends to the appreciation
         Image source: Pexels                                        and celebration of the intricate balance of hormones and their
                                                                     1 Innova Market Insights
                                                                     2 McKinsey & Company                                   39
                                                                     3 The Gerontologist
                                                                     4 National Library of Medicine
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