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importance in maintaining overall well-being. Once considered
          unmentionable taboos, hormones are beginning to be perceived
          as welcome companions for life.
          This shift  in  perspectives has led  to  the  development  of
          beauty and wellness products specifically designed to support
          hormonal health and promote overall well-being. French beauty
          and wellness brand MiYé specializing in skin care products and
          dietary supplements enhancing women’s hormonal balance has
          gained much  interest, with a recent investment from derma-
          pharmaceutical giant Pierre Fabre Laboratories. Targeting taboo
          and misunderstood women’s hormonal imbalances, MiYé boasts
          a wide range of skin, hair, and personal care products along with
          targeted supplements to alleviate the symptoms of hormonal
          imbalances.  Addressing  specific  life  stages  and  hormonal
          conditions such as premenstrual syndrome, perimenopause
          and menopause, endometriosis, post-partum, and beyond,
          MiYé hopes to change the stigma around hormones and bring
          targeted solutions to help women live in harmony with changing
          hormonal levels. Meanwhile, US-based skin and personal care   Image source: Pexels
          brand  Womaness  is  disrupting  the  industry  with  uniquely
          targeted treatments, specifically formulated and designed for
          women’s changing bodies. Womaness Co- Founders Michelle    By embracing and celebrating hormonal balance, the beauty
          Jacobs and Sally Mueller “created Womaness to modernize    and  wellness industries are encouraged  to promote a more
          aging,” bring once unspoken topics to the forefront, and help   holistic approach to beauty and well-being that recognizes the
          women positively navigate hormonal changes.                interconnectedness of aging and hormonal health with overall
          Hormones are essential companions across genders and affect   vitality. With growing demand for health-conscious alternatives,
          everyone at every stage of life. For Onecare Wellness, creating   we can expect to see significant changes in the industry over
          a  dedicated  supplement  to  help  optimize  men’s  hormone   the next five years such as a greater emphasis on personalized
          levels and vitality was essential in addressing men’s hormonal   approaches to beauty and wellness, that take into account
          health. Hecules ,  their  line  of  dedicated  supplements,  offers   individual  differences  in  aging  processes  and  health  needs.
          natural adaptogens, essential vitamins and minerals vital to the   As part of this movement, it is expected that beauty brands
          physiological well-being of men, specifically targeting metabolic   and wellness companies will increasingly play a role in raising
          health, fertility, and hormonal levels. Meanwhile, US-based   awareness  about  specific  health-related  topics  and  shine  a
          prenatal supplement brand WeNatal  aims to “reimagine the   light on often overlooked conditions, illnesses, disabilities, and
          gender paradigms around fertility and pregnancy to make a   beyond. As consumers continue to invest their time and money
          positive impact on the health and well-being of couples and   in health-conscious brands, products, and practices, they will
          their future children,” shifting the conversation from woman-  also demand for companies to understand their unique needs
          centered to couples-centered. Shifting the discussion around   and address natural life changes in an authentic way. We can
          fertility  and  pregnancy  to  include  her and  him, WeNatal   is   expect  more  beauty  companies  to  tap  into  specific  health
          on a mission to promote healthy pregnancies for all, from   concerns  when  formulating  new  product  lines,  addressing
          pre-conception  through  to  post-partum.  Offering  dedicated   beauty and wellness on a deeper level than ever before; and
          supplements  that  help  promote  balanced  hormonal  levels,   create spaces for consumers to connect about shared concerns.
          healthy  reproductive  systems,  and  optimal  immune  systems,   Overall, the beauty industry’s shift toward journey-inclusive
          WeNatal   is  addressing  often  unresolved  questions  around   practices represents a positive step towards promoting health
          fertility.                                                 and well-being for people of all ages, across life’s stages.

                About BEAUTYSTREAMS

                BEAUTYSTREAMS is the global beauty industry reference. It is an indispensable resource for
                beauty industry professionals. Catering to industry insiders across the full beauty supply chain,
                BEAUTYSTREAMS provides future insights, product forecasts, consumer analyses, and market
                intelligence on a global level as well as on a local scale across six continents.
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