Page 93 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 93


          From a life of activity lived intensely and achieving   new Make-up line, keeping
          countless  successes  on  the  niche  market,  Innoxa  has   the philosophy of the Brand,
          acquired merit, reliability and responsibility over time.  elegance in the packaging, high
          In  research,  Innoxa  has  realized  how  important  the   quality of the product and here
          role  of  cosmetic  scientific  progress  is  to  define  the   too with some small surprises!!!
          best strategy  for  the creation of  unique products   Again  in  2024  we  will  be
          with  exclusive  formulations.  The  creation  of  value   presenting the new range of sun
          is  fundamental,  Innoxa  has  opened  up  the  way  for   care,  where  we  will  keep  some
          research by focusing on results to guarantee and satisfy   references that are already in the
          its clients at every time when the demands of the market   range in the current pricelist but
          undergo changes.                                 we are reformulating a line of sun
                                                           care that has seen us to the fore
          EM:  what are the most successful lines at the   in recent years, not in sun care
          moment?                                          in the sense of the word, but sun
          sC:  Let’s start with cleansing, fundamental for a   treatment, with active ingredients
          basic beauty routine for those who like to look  after   that came into being with
          themselves.  The  line  par  excellence  given  by  market   INNOxA,  with  collagen,  elastin,
          feedback is the PG33 line, followed by the other lines,   oligopeptide-5,  hyaluronic  acid
          Autentica, Naga, the  Collagen  Line, the  Nourishment   with a very low molecular weight
          Line with the cutting-edge product with nucleic acids,   and  hyaluronic  acid  with  a  very
          LINEA 41, the Couprosil Line, the Everglow Line and the   high molecular weight. It is not
          for body, the most recent line, PG28. And to finish, a line   sun care but a treatment with
          of treatment for men.                            different types of filters.
                                                                            Claudia Stagno
          EM:  Do your objectives include conquering
          some  foreign  markets,  considering  the  excellent
          response in italy?                                  The iNNOXA products
          sC:  Absolutely!  All  the formulas of our products are   Line PG33 is a line with an anti-age action suitable for demanding and mature
          made  in  our  laboratories,  certified  and  tested.  So  we   skins.  Its  invaluable  products  have  been  developed  to  prevent  and  slow
          can meet the needs of many clients.                 down the processes of ageing, improve the cohesion and smoothness of the
          Clearly for each individual market we will approach   skin. The Autentica line is a regenerating, moisturizing and anti-free radical
          we have precise answers and in collaboration with our   line to prevent and fight lines of expression. The active ingredients chosen
          partners we will study the market and the best products   have anti-ageing, antioxidant and nourishing activities with a tensor effect.
          suitable for the market we are addressing.          The Naga line is inspired by oriental beauty, to firm and fight skin ageing.
                                                              The synergy between sericin, the protein of silk, and other invaluable active
          EM:  what support can you give your potential       ingredients has been developed to provide lifting and anti-ageing properties.
          foreign partners?                                   The Collagen line represents a special treatment to fight the first wrinkles.
          sC: The answer is simple: the support of a company   All the products in the line have high quality active ingredients which have
         with  years  of  experience,  with  internal  laboratories   anti-ageing,  moisturizing  and  antioxidant  activities.  The  Nourishment  line
         and  qualified  personnel.  The  project  is  to  replicate   includes products which protect, soothe and prevent redness. As well as
         what we do in Italy, training on the product in the first   firming and fighting the ageing of dry, dehydrated, fine and weak skins. Line 41
         place,  highly  curated  and  very  specific  promotional   acts to improve the appearance of impure and oily skins. The active ingredients
         material and everything that is necessary for correct   chosen  have  skin-purifying,  soothing  and  astringent  properties,  for  a  skin
         collaboration of distribution.                       that looks fresh, smooth and radiant. The Couprosil line includes products
                                                              rich in natural extracts for a complete beauty routine and take total care of
         EM: what are your projects for 2024?                 sensitive and delicate skins characterized by couperose. The treatments in the
         sC: New products are being studied to meet demands   Everglow line create an essential ritual to prevent and fight dark spots and
         that are increasingly attentive to the world of beauty, at   wrinkles, as well as leaving the skin delicately radiant. The PG28 line for the
         the same time we have started renewing the packaging   body is a luxurious and exotic line developed for the well-being of the body,
         for some products. In 2024 we will come out with the   made up of treatments rich in precious natural ingredients aimed at fighting
                                                              the various imperfections, for healthy and smooth skin and a harmonious
                                                              and toned silhouette. The Men’s line has innovative products, characterized
                                                              by an effervescent, bold and enveloping fragrance and extremely pleasant
                                                              textures, designed to moisturize, protect and soothe men’s skins.
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