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the Italian love for make-up is bellaoggi’s manifesto. their customers clearly wish to get the best products
Active in the market for more than 30 years, bellaoggi at the right price. Bellaoggi’s consumer is a dynamic,
is the Italian beauty brand, a master in creating luxury independent and bold woman, who loves to express
and high quality cosmetic products at an affordable her emotions without any excuses.
price. bellaoggi has always been inspired by Italian bellaoggi is successful not only on the Italian
savoir-vivre, a lifestyle in which a unique blend of market, but is increasingly focused on expanding
joyful colours, unconventional trends with a touch their presence internationally, actively participating
of extravagance create the legendary signature of in events in the beauty sector that allow them to
Made in Italy. create strong networks between companies and
bellaoggi products want to tell the world in which professionals.
the brand draws inspiration, the values that make Also this year, in the second semester 2024, the
bellaoggi unique on the market and that allow the campania-based brand attended the Beauty
consumer to identify and live a real experience by Istanbul exhibition, a must-attend event which
choosing our brand. target the main international beauty markets,
bellaoggi is positioned as the Italian beauty brand including middle east. the company introduced
capable of offering high-quality luxury cosmetic some important news about a new core business
products at an extremely affordable price. This that will be launched in march 2025: SKINcARe.
means that they constantly try to offer innovative and In this circumstance, the company had the
high-performance formulas, with a packaging that is opportunity to interface with professionals in the
never predictable and characterized by an attractive cosmetics industry, maximize its business, expand
design. the brand is aimed at uncompromising the network of contacts and strengthen existing
consumers, who know what they want. relationships.