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As Erik Juul-Mortensen commented, “TFWA has always of global consulting firm Kearney, Alex Liu, who will
been dedicated to providing a conference programme share analysis of innovative strategies that every
that features exceptional speakers that bring the most stakeholder can adopt to thrive in the dynamic duty-
relevant and valuable perspectives o our delegates. This free and travel retail environment.
year’s line-up will truly reflect that commitment, and it
is an honour to welcome such a distinguished individual
to the stage in this, our 40th anniversary year. We look
forward to welcoming the global duty free and travel
retail industry to Cannes once again in September.”
Other speakers will be Sam Rad, anthropologist,
futurist and CEO of meta-media studio Radical
Next, who will delve into emerging technological
and cultural trends, focusing on the importance of
adapting and being agile in order to cater for a new
generation of travelling consumers. Lastly, Anousheh
Ansari, NASA astronaut, the first female private
space explorer and CEO of XPrize Foundation, will
explore the ways in which companies can cultivate a
mindset of exploration and bold innovation, crucial TfWA I.LAB
for success in an ever-changing landscape. With a refreshed layout hosting an attractive blend of
returning and first-time exhibitors. TFWA i.Lab makes
its third appearance at this year’s event. Focused on
collaboration, this year’s TFWA i.Lab offers a flexible
environment where exhibitors and delegates can
explore ways to apply the latest thinking and solutions
in travel retail. Mixed-use spaces encourage informal
discussions, networking and idea-sharing in a relaxed
setting, while a pitch and activation area provides a
focal point for presentations and demonstrations.
The i.Lab showcases innovation, tech, digital and data
solutions as well as a wide range of creative services to
engage with the travelling consumer. It is a great way
The WorkshoP to find out about what is coming next in terms of new-
A workshop session taking place on Tuesday at 8.00 tech solutions, how tech can be applied to the travel
a.m., in the Majestic Hotel, will give delegates the retail market and how it is set to change the industry.
opportunity to hear from industry experts on a range
of topics, spanning the breadth of developments and oPPorTunITIes
challenges in the travel retail ecosystem. They will for neTWorkIng
hear an update from Airport Council International’s The TFWA Conference & Exhibition also offers plenty
specialist committee on Airport Non-Aeronautical of opportunities for networking in a more relaxed
Revenues and Activities. (ANARA) On stage for this environment, such as the TFWA Lounge, with after-
session will be Andrew Ford, founder of Paccaya work sessions on Monday 30 September Tuesday
Resources & Chair of ANARA, Isabel Zarxa, CEO of 1 October from 6.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. and the
Southern Europe at AVOLTA and Ian Cesa of Horizon night-time session from 10.00 p.m. to 1.00 p.m., at
Consumer Science. the Carlton Beach. The Closing Party, again at the
The second part of the workshop will feature Carlton Beach, will be on Wednesday 2 October from
Euromonitor International Innovation Senior 8.00 2.00 p.m., with the theme “Starry Night”
Consultant Marie Isquenderian and focus on the to mark TFWA’s 40th anniversary. The dress code
impact of digital trends in daily consumption. She is smart and glamorous, with a touch of gold being
will be joined by Managing Partner and Chairman entirely optional.