P. 11


          one2one MeeTIngs
          The  TFWA  dedicated  meeting  services  organizes   exhIBITors
          introductory  encounters   between   exhibiting     New  exhibitors  in  the  perfumes/cosmetics
          brands, key buyers, airports and trade agents.      sector include names such as Amouage,
          Eligible companies simply name the participants     Balmain Hair, Bath & Body Works, Chantecaille,
          they want to meet and the One2One team handles      Lattafa perfumes and The Fragrance Group.
          the arrangements, providing on-site support. The
          meetings take place towards the end of the week.

         E x H i B i T i O n Pr OG r AMME

          SUN 29 Sept            MON 30 Sept             tUe 01 OCt             WeD 03 OCt              thU 03 OCt

          09:00 - 20:00          09:00 - 18:30 CET       08:00 - 09:30 CET      09:00 - 18:30 CET       09:00 - 17:00 CET
          Registration           Registration            workshop: Reimagining   Registration           Registration
          Gare Maritime          Gare Maritime           travel retail
                                                         Majestic Hotel         Gare Maritime           Gare Maritime
          09:00 - 12:00          09:00 - 12:00 CET
          Petanque tournament    conference              09:00 - 18:30 CET      09:00 - 18:30 CET       09:00 - 17:00 CET
          Palais de l’Etang      Grand Auditorium,       Registration
                                 Palais des Festivals    Gare Maritime          exhibition &            exhibition & one2one
          09:00 - 12:00                                                         one2one meetings        meetings
          blind football &       12:00 - 18:30 CET       09:00 - 18:30 CET
          wheelchair rubgy       exhibition              exhibition             Palais des Festivals    Palais des Festivals
          tournament             Palais des Festivals    Palais des Festivals
                                                                                09:00 - 18:30 CET       09:00 - 17:00 CET
          19:00                  12:00 - 18:30 CET       09:00 - 18:30 CET      Tfwa i.lab              Tfwa i.lab
          opening cocktail       Tfwa i.lab              Tfwa i.lab
          Carlton Beach          Palais des Festivals    Palais des Festivals,   Palais des Festivals,   Palais des Festivals,
                                                         Golden Village         Golden Village          Golden Village
                                 18:30 - 21:00 CET
                                 Tfwa lounge:            10:30 - 11:00 CET      10:30 - 11:00 CET
                                 after-work session      Tfwa i.lab workshop
                                 Carlton Beach           Palais des Festivals,   Tfwa i.lab workshop
                                                         Golden Village         Palais des Festivals, Golden
                                 22:00 - 01:00 CET                              Village
                                 Tfwa lounge:            11:00 - 11:40 CET
                                 night-time session      Tfwa i.lab Pitch       11:00 - 11:40 CET
                                 Carlton Beach           sessions
                                                         Palais des Festivals,   Tfwa i.lab Pitch sessions
                                                         Golden Village         Palais des Festivals,
                                                         14:00 - 18:30 CET      Golden Village
                                                         one2one meetings
                                                         Palais des Festivals   20:00 - 02:00 CET
                                                                                closing Party “starry
                                                         18:30 - 21:00 CET
                                                         Tfwa lounge:           night” to mark Tfwa
                                                         after-work session     40  anniversary
                                                         Carlton Beach          Carlton Beach

                                                         22:00 - 01:00 CET
                                                         Tfwa lounge:
                                                         night-time session
                                                         Carlton Beach
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