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                             IN ASTRA

                                                          ThE ESSENCE OF ThE STARS

                                                                               Our project came from the desire to enrich the
                                                                               olfactory panorama and accompany consumers on
                                                                               a unique journey, letting themselves be surprised and
                                                                               reawakening their senses.
                                                                               Attention to detail is the distinctive feature that makes
                                                                               us  stand  out  on  the  scene  of  artistic  perfumery:  we
                                                                               wanted the concept of In Astra to be present not only
                                                                               through the choice of carefully selected raw materials
                                                                               to tell the story of the star from the point of view of
                                                                               the sense of smell, but also through the packaging,
                                                                               made in Italy, which coherently represents visually and
                                                                               tactilely the DNA of the brand.

                                                                               EM: A brand inspired by the stars and created by
                                                                               the minds and hearts of two young women.
                                                                               There are few female entrepreneurs in the sector
                                                                               of beauty and the ‘noses’ are even rarer.
                                                                               Do you think there is still a long way to go before
                                                                               filling  in  the  so-called  ‘gender  gap’,  not  only  in
                                                                               beauty but in general in the business world?
                                                                               FB: Female entrepreneurship is emerging in a number
                                                                               of sectors, trying to overcome the prejudices and
                                Interview with                                 stereotypes that have always been entrenched in the
                                                                               minds of many.
                                fabiola Bardelli,                              The leader has effectively always been associated with

                                Artistic Director                              the sole figure of the male in a position of command,
                                                                               thus attributing some characteristics which exclude
                                                                               regardless any feminine connotation.
                                                                               Today  there  is  the  need  for  an  opening  to  the
                                                                               feminine vision which is aimed at a “paradigm shift”
                             EXPORT MAGAZINE:  in ASTrA was founded in         in  management  through  the  will  to  capitalise  on
                             2020.  What  sparked  off  this  project  and  what   uniqueness and inclusion fostering an environment
                             message does it want to send to what is known as   that was well disposed towards corporate growth.
                             artistic perfumery?                               In the sector of niche perfumery, this change can be
                             FABiOLA BArDELLi: IN ASTRA was founded from our   perceived and is shown by the creation of new brands
                             passion for the stars and the universe, which for us are   by women, the increase of female figures in education
                             the form of art par excellence.                   in the sector for the role of nose and other key figures
                             Astronomy  is the perfect combination of art  and   of perfumery. There still remains a long way to go
                             science, just as artistic perfumery is.           before breaking down the walls of the gender gap.

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