P. 29


       MoLTon BroWn


         Further driving the growth  strategy of   establishment  of  “Kao  Beauty  Brands”.
         its Cosmetics Business, Kao unveils a   Harmonised through one leadership and
         New Brand World for its British luxury   vision designed to develop its AEMEA
         fragrance brand Molton Brown. Spanning   luxury  portfolio, Kao  Beauty  Brands
         a new  brand  ecosystem and  creative   have chosen Molton Brown and SENSAI
         direction, co-created with acclaimed    as a gateway into the four main growth-
         creative  consultancy  Portas,  Molton   driving  beauty  categories  of  fragrance,
         Brown’s New Brand World aims to solidify   skincare, makeup and body care.
         the  brand’s  leadership  in  the  fragrance   Mark  Johnson,  President  Cosmetics
         sector and  engage  a  wider audience   Business AEMEA, Kao and Global
         across all platforms. The introduction of   President Molton Brown, comments:
         Molton Brown’s New Brand World is in    “As we drive the growth of Kao’s Cosmetics
         line with Kao’s strategic focus areas and   Business in the AEMEA region, Molton Brown
         plays a key role as part of the company’s   plays a pivotal role with its unique blend of
         efforts  to  join  up  its  capabilities  and   heritage and innovation. The brand’s focus
         expertise  in  the  categories  of  luxury   on luxury fragrance aligns perfectly with the
         fragrance and premium skincare with the   projected growth in this segment.”

                                                                “ArTiSTS OF nOTE”

                                                                Three British creatives have been invited to interpret one of the
                                                                brand’s  signature  fragrances;    Molton  Brown  reaffirms  its  long-
                                                                standing commitment to the pillars of creativity and diversity that have
                                                                been an integral part of the brand’s DNA since its inception in 1971.
                                                                Championing these core fundamentals and celebrating the unique
                                                                sensorial power of scent and the artists behind Molton Brown’s most
                                                                iconic scents, Artists of Note breathes a contemporary cultural energy
                                                                into the brand’s approach to fragrance. The initiative centres three
                                                                of Molton Brown’s most iconic fragrances: Re-Charge Black Pepper,
                                                                Coastal Cypress & Sea Fennel, and Rose Dunes. Artists of Note shines
                                                                a spotlight on how each and every person’s interpretation of scent
                                                                is remarkably unique. For this initiative, Molton Brown invited three
                                                                British creatives – self-proclaimed punk poet Dr. John Cooper Clark;
                                                                award-winning fashion designer Nicholas Davey; and jewellery
          designer Gala Colivet Dennison – to interpret their fragrance of choice through their unique vision and medium. Daley chose to
          express Re-Charge Black Pepper via signature designs influenced by his Jamaican-Scottish heritage. Dennison transformed Rose
          Dunes into a wearable piece of art true to her tough, sculptural aesthetic. And Cooper-Clark translated Coastal Cypress & Sea Fennel
          into an evocative poem, written and delivered in his signature rhythmic style. The brand continues to explore new opportunities
          within the fragrance category in global travel retail, as demonstrated by its successful seasonal Summer Scents campaign at UK
          airports, in partnership with Avolta, which incorporated Beauty Stations and Must Have Tables across eight UK airports.

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