Page 24 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 24



                                               A NEW PRESTIGE SKINCARE BRAND

                                              TECHNOLOGY AND 100% NATURAL

                                                 medicine, discovering its unique power.   people to re-think and revise their approach
                                                 Looking back, I now see this was when my   to beauty - for the sake of their health and
                                                 great  passion  for  nature  was  born.  Then,   the health of our planet. In 2021, VERDILAB
                                                 for 15  years I  have worked in cosmetic   was born, with a vision to offer advanced,
                                                 industry, being responsible for the strategy,   natural skincare powered by our exclusive
                                                 new  products  development,  marketing,   ImmunatuRNA  Technology.
                                                 and  international  expansion  of  different
                                                 cosmetics brands.  I believe this unique   EM: what is immunatuRNA  ?
                                                 blend  of  medical  expertise  and  skincare   VN:  ImmunatuRNA  is our innovative
                                                 knowledge has driven my commitment to   Technology  that  is  the  scientific  heart  of
                                                 science-led, natural skincare solutions.  VERDILAB skincare. It is a patent-pending,
                                                                                         proprietary complex of fully natural active
                                                 EM:  why and when did you decide to     molecules with a special delivery system,
                                                 launch your own skincare brand?         that strengthens the skin’s natural immunity
          INTERVIEw wITh                         VN:  I  loved my  job  in  cosmetics but with   and  offers  transformative  results.  The

          VICTORIA NEyMANN,                      time, I felt the industry was falling behind the   clinically proven benefits of ImmunatuRNA
          VERDILAb fOuNDER                       green-evolution  and  lacking  transparency   are remarkable. It significantly accelerates
                                                                                         the skin’s regenerative abilities, almost
                                                 in communication with its customers.
                                                 The decision to launch VERDILAB was rooted   doubling the healing properties of the skin.
          ExPORT MAGAzINE: Ms. Neymann, which    in  my  desire  to  redefine  skincare  with   This translates to faster healing of scars,
          is  your  background  in  the  cosmetic   innovative solutions that would pioneer   blemishes, or sun damage. ImmunatuRNA®
          industry?                              luxury cosmetics to more sustainable level.   also  strengthens  collagen  structures,
          ViCTORiA  NeYMANN:  I’m a medical      After  over  20  years  of  experience  working   improving the skin’s firmness and elasticity
          doctor by education. The medical tradition   for  different  companies,  I  realized  that   by significantly increasing the proliferation
          has always been very strong in my family,   it  was  time  to  make  a  change,  creating  a   of  fibroblasts  in  the  skin.  In  addition,  it
          and I naturally followed in my grandfather’s   unique brand in my own way. My  dream   enhances  antioxidant  cellular  protection,
          and father’s footsteps, both professors and   was clear  –  I  wanted  to  create  high-tech   combating premature aging caused by
          pioneers  in  the  field  of  immunology.  But   but all-natural skincare with the power to   environmental stressors. The result is
          from the very beginning, I was attracted   support the skin’s natural immune abilities   healthier,  more  radiant  and  rejuvenated
          by  the  practical  application  of  scientific   using the scientific legacy of my father.  complexion.
          inventions.  Hence my  professional  life   I  wanted  to  go  with  my  own  standards of
          turned out in a completely different way.  clean  beauty  and  offer  cosmetics  without   EM:  Today, there is  a lot of  discussion
          Over 20 years ago I joined the pharmaceutical   any synthetic or irritant ingredients. I   around  “Clean  beauty”,  with  some
          industry, where I worked mainly with herbal   wanted to utilize the healing power of pure   industry experts rejecting the scientific
          remedies. This is where, over a period of   nature, which I truly believe can bring real   justification   of   this   phenomenon
          seven years, I built my knowledge of natural   results.  Ultimately, my goal was to inspire   entirely, while others defend its validity.

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