Page 25 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
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animal-derived compounds, and many travel retail. Geographically, our emphasis
other. It is quite challenging to formulate spans Europe, the US, and Asia. In less than
with such restrictive approach, but this two years, VERDILAB is already present in
commitment guarantees that VERDILAB premium retail in Switzerland, Italy, Great
provides skincare products that are not Britain, Spain, USA, Singapore, Thailand,
only effective but safe for long term use for with more to follow. We look for experienced
all skin, including sensitive, and ethically partners keen on collaboration to further
responsible. expand VERDILAB’s international footprint.
EM: You’ll be at Tax Free Cannes with EM: What kind of support do you offer
your own brand? your clients to promote VeRDiLAB
VN: Yes, indeed. VERDILAB is proud to cosmetics?
be a member of Tax Free Association VN: We provide comprehensive support
what is Clean Beauty to you? participating in Tax Free Exhibition in Cannes to our partners to ensure the successful
VN: For me, Clean beauty is more than for the second year. It’s an opportunity for launch and development of VERDILAB.
just a buzzword – it’s a serious philosophy. us to showcase our transformative brand This includes tailored trainings, co-
The concept revolves around avoiding to a global audience and connect with duty branded events, marketing collateral, and
potentially harmful ingredients to create free industry professionals who share our access to our experts for in-depth product
safer cosmetics for both our skin and the commitment to excellence. knowledge. We prefer a partnership
environment. Clean beauty emerged from We invite you to visit us at Riviera Village, approach, working together to develop
a growing interest in a healthy lifestyle Level 0 at booth RA8. effective marketing strategies tailored to
and the importance of sustainability. It has the target audience, thus increasing brand
evolved from being just a passing trend visibility and customer engagement. We
into a genuine movement. We have become have direct relationships with number of
more discerning about what we consume, beauty and lifestyle influencers around the
understanding the difference between world, which is extremely important as they
healthy, whole foods and heavily processed help us spread our brand philosophy and
alternatives. We understand what lifestyle educate consumers.
habits are bad for our health and many of Claudia Stagno
us try to change them. The same applies for
cosmetics – we want to know what goes into
the products we use, what long-term impact
they have on our skin, and what impact they
have on the environment. Therefore I truly
believe that education and transparent
communication are the duty of every brand.
At VERDILAB we uphold stringent clean EM: what kind of buyers and visitors are
beauty standards that go beyond industry you targeting?
regulations. We use only 100% natural origin VN: Our focus is on reaching forward-
and ultra-clean ingredients in our formulas, thinking customers of prestige skincare,
ensuring safety, transparency, and industry professionals, and retailers who
sustainability. VERDILAB’s products feature value science, innovation and quality. We
exclusively biodegradable, vegan, and aim to connect with those who appreciate
cruelty-free ingredients, avoiding the use of the fusion of advanced science and
any ingredients with proven or suspected nature in their skincare offers and look
risk to both the skin and the environment. for new, disruptive brands with clear
We ban over 50 group substances, such points of difference versus conventional
as all types of synthetic fillers, silicones, prestige brands. Our strategy is selective
petroleum derivatives, synthetic polymers, distribution in the best department stores,
microplastics, parabens, phenoxyethanol, perfumeries, high-end pharmacies, and