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          Be Keen

                             AN ACCURATE PORTFOLIO OF

                             INDEPENDENT NICHE BRANDS

                             FOR THE GLOBAL TRAVEL RETAIL

                                                                               airport  to  another.  Our  strategy  was  to  propose
                                                                               selectively  to  key  airports  a  true  element  of
                                                                               differentiation. We believed this would help travel retail
                                                                               store to increasing penetration while offering to more
                                                                               and more demanding travelers a premium experience
                                                                               in airports. We saw Be Keen as a bridge between travel
                                                                               retail operators with complex processes and authentic
                                                                               brands with an outstanding quality and differentiating

                                                                               EM:  Which  has been  the development of  your
                                                                               activity, considering the increasing growth of
                                                                               the  so  callled  artistic  perfumery?    And  in  which
                                                                               AK:  12  years  ago,  what  was  still  called  the  “niche”
                                                                               category was not of any interest to large travel retailers.
                                                                               As always with pioneers it was an encounter between us
                Abla Bencheikh, C.O.O. &                                       and back then Nuance that paved the way to the proper
                Antoine Khouzami, President of Be Keen                         introduction of the category in airports with the opening
                                                                               of  Antalya  on  a  totally  new  and  innovative  concept.
                                                                               Heinemann quickly after realized the opportunity and
                                                                               started developing the category.
                             INtERVIEW WItH                                    Today  leading  Travel  Retailers  (Avolta,  DFS,  DFA,  Aer
                             anToinE KHoUZaMi,                                 Rianta and of course Heinemann) consider this segment
                             Be Keen PRESIDENt                                 as a key one. They have understood the specifics of the

                             EXPORT MAGAZINE:  May we say that when  you       category and the key differentiating points it can bring
                             founded “Be Keen”, you were a true precursor?     to the overall Perfumes segment.
                             Which was your strategy at that time?             While  the  EMEA  region  was  the  first  to  believe
                             ANtOINE KHOUZAMI:  Be  Keen  was  indeed  the     in  the  category  and  see  it  success,  the  most
                             first  company  to  propose  a  portfolio  of  genuine  and   recent  development  is  coming  from  the  Americas
                             independent niche brands to global Travel Retailers.  and we are starting to see more and more interest in
                             We  believed  that  all  stores  were  offering  similar   Asia/Oceania, though at a much slower pace. You are
                             assortment  with  very  little  differentiation  from  one   right to mention that the category evolved to become

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