P. 107


 FORMA ITALIANA                                            EM: Are the brands you distribute both Italian and

                                                           CG: Yes, some of these brands are distributed, as well
                                                           as  in  Italy,  in  some  foreign  countries,  to  their  great
                                                           satisfaction, including for the detailed information we
                                                           provide on the market. We are also thinking of taking
                                                           some brand in licensing.

                                                           EM: Many important Groups have turned to you in
          The logistics are advanced, digitalized but not robotized;   the past….
          we  provide  a  service  where  the  human  intervention   CG:  That’s  true;  the  market  has  changed  now  and
          counts for a lot.                                various multinationals entrust us officially and no longer
                                                           unofficially  with  their  distribution.  A  recent  example  is
          EM: What are your business units?                that  of  one  of  the  largest  multinationals  in  the  sector,
          CG:  Toiletries,  with  mass  market  products,  which  is   which  has  entrusted  us  with  the  distribution  of  some
          growing  strongly;  luxury,  inherent  to  the  sector  of   brands.  The  great  change  under  way  is  a  vision  of
          perfumery and cosmetics, Mabel, our retail point of sale   partnership with the manufacturing company, with which
          and the distribution of various brands, both in the mass   well-structured  programmes  are  devised  hand  in  hand
          market and in luxury. We are also carefully observing   in an appropriate way, not for the turnover alone. The
          the professional hair sector, where we see an excellent   multinational corporations are increasingly concentrated
          potential.                                       on  production,  the  launch  of  new  products  and  the
                                                           marketing  aspects;  this  is  why  commercialization  and
          EM:  What is the added value that Forma Italiana   logistics often become a burden for them; this is where
          can provide?                                     our role comes into play and where we can fully express
          CG: In the first place, competence: our company has 50   our DNA. Of course besides all this, there is the trust in our
          years of business behind it, of knowledge of the market;   work, aimed at improving and consolidating business.
          alongside  this  professionalism  there  is  the  ability  to
          provide all-round services. Our managers, for example,
          are  a  great  source  of  pride  for  us,  as  they  manage
          the  brands  we  have  in  distribution  very  competently:
          Giuseppe  Guzzi  deals  with  the  mass  market  channel,
          Gianluca Brandini, together with Piero Pelle, the selective
          channel,  Lara  Lorenzini  and  Erika  Segalin,  Retail  and
          Marketing  ,and  Carlo  Ostini  and  Gianluca  Cristaudo
          at the head of logistics. We are also implementing the
          sector of IT, where a new manager is at the head of a
          qualified team of people.

                                                           EM: the vices and virtues of the cosmetic sector,
                                                           CG: The virtues: cosmetics and perfumery are the only
                                                           business where luxury becomes accessible to the majority
                                                           of consumers. While it is true that few people can afford
                                                           to buy a suit by Chanel or Dior, it is equally true that they
                                                           can buy a fragrance from the same brand. Accessibility to
                                                           the luxury brand is a very important factor.

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