Page 81 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 81


          In Saint Rémy de Provence the flagship Florame boutique and   The in-depth R&D of each product is designed to capture the
          beauty salon epitomises their stylish mastery of natural beauty   essence of each carefully selected plant; through distillation the
          and aromatherapy. Such is their attention to detail that even the   purest  organic raw  material  is  derived. The next is Florame’s
          furniture has been specially created by local artisans, a touch   differentiating formulations. Their formulas have an inert base
          that has caught the eye of many of their partners who ask for   of  5  to  10% with  60  to  90%  actives; conventional  cosmetics
          the same to be included in their interior styling. Something the   typically have 60 to 90% inert base with only 1 to 5% actives
          Florame team are very happy to arrange.                    while many organic cosmetics have 40 to 80% inert base with up
                                                                     to 25% actives. Through their laboratory’s constant innovation
                                                                     they continue to push the boundaries to maximize the
                                                                     percentage of naturality while delivering the highest possible
                                                                     efficacy.  This  continuous  improvement  mindset  means  that
                                                                     Florame’s organic revolution never stops.

          Collines de Provence flagship

          Florame’s collection features around 500 references, their
          pledge to sustainability integrity means that if there is an issue
          with a harvest the connected product will not be made. “For   A  recent  example  is  their  best-selling  Lys  Perfection  anti-
          more than 30 years organic efficacy has been the baseline of   ageing line. Ongoing research  led  to a further breakthrough
          Florame” explains Romain  Ruth  “our product quest is always   that will see the introduction of formulas delivering the most
          linked to the natural ingredients and their concentration so   concentrated  products  you  can  find  on  the  market.  More
          ensuring our traceability in sourcing as well as maintaining our   developments  are  currently  under wraps  but  will  be  ground-
          long term partnerships with the growers is vital.”         breaking in the industry and something Romain Ruth advises
                                                                     “no other company can offer.”
          potency & performance
          Adding to their above normal quality standards, is an exceptional  Organic by Design

          level of knowledge combining timeless traditions and skills with   Florame’s  range  reflects  the  best  in  organic  aromatherapy,
          innovation. The Florame team have at their disposal a database   cosmetics and fragrances. Since day one they have been
          of  several  thousand  chromatographic  profiles,  this  unique   organic,  it  was  not  about  trend  but  a  founding  purpose  to
          ‘Aroma-Library’ is both a source and resource.             create highly effective cosmetics and products made by nature
                                                                     (and not simply inspired by nature as many others do). This
                                                                     independence of vision remains a constant in all that they do.
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