Page 83 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 83


          The improved premises feature state-of-the art laboratories   of  ways  to  fragrance  your  home,
          that allow for an enhanced R&D programme. Absolute efficacy   taking lifestyle scented products to
          research has always been a key step in the creation of Florame’s   a new level. The collection is now
          exclusive industry-setting concentrations of active ingredients.  over  200  products  including  home
          “Another  benefit  of  these  larger  facilities  is  we  can  offer  more   fragrances,  linen  mists,  scented
          possibilities for private label partnerships” says Romain Ruth, “We   bouquets, candles and sachets with
          are already formulating and producing cosmetics and aromatherapy   fans around the world.
          products for very well-known brands, mostly in France and Japan.   Their  trailblazing  perfumer  is
          This new Florame site means we can fulfil an increased demand and   blending exclusive natural creations
          with the very best conditions.”                            with imaginative scent pairings like
          Ruth also knows that the value of sharing  their  knowledge and   vanilla and  grapefruit, rose with
          know-how which is why they offer an above industry standard of
          technical,  commercial  and  scientific  information.  Their  “Florame                   hibiscus, amber with heliotrope
          Editions” come directly from their scientists, this expert insight                       and  mandarin  with  yuzu.  This
          brings to life the value of the living plants and how their essence can                  is a brand that celebrates
          be transformed into a beneficial experience without damaging the                         ancient  traditions, artisanal
          planet. This approach has created strong fans with their partners                        craftsmanship and the terroir
          who have grown their own organic expertise through Florame and                           of Provence while also bringing
          perhaps more importantly so have their customers.                                        a modern interpretation and
                                                                                                   innovative touch to all of their
          Collines de provence:                                                                    products.  It  is  keeping  alive
          botanist perfumer Since 1982                                                             the great legacy of the past
          From the moment it launched there was something very special                             botanists  and   perfumers
          about Collines de Provence. It’s heritage stems from the ancient                         through its artistry.
          art of perfumes and how fragrance would be used differently,
          with an individual sensoriality. From these ancestral traditions  haute provence – haute Couture

          a new concept was created.                                 Like a couture designer Collines de
                                                                     Provence champions craftsmanship a
                                                                     value that protects a way of life and a
                                                                     community whilst creating  something
                                                                     that can never be called ‘standard’. Each
                                                                     product is perfected by hand in their
                                                                     workshops, ensuring the sense of place
                                                                     is imbued in every detail.
                                                                     As a tribute to the time-honoured traditions
                                                                     and techniques used by seamstresses
                                                                     Collines de Provence unveiled their inaugural
                                                                     Couture range in 2021. White Cotton, Linen
                                                                     Stole, Wild Silk are some of these specially designed fragrances.
                                                                     Each summer and Christmas they create a limited edition capsule
          The Collines de Provence story began in Mane en Provence,   collection.  Creativity,  imagination  and  fragrance  mastery  come
          a small village in Haute Provence surrounded by the Lubéron   together in this family-owned brand. A winning combination that has
          Nature Park rich botanical inspiration. From a small workshop   seen successful and long-established partners around the world.
          came the inaugural collection of home fragrances created with   In a world where it is hard to find a brand that stands out for
          an  artisanal  touch. Long-forgotten  scented  products  were   all the right reasons, it is refreshing to discover Florame and
          restored to their former glory and for the first time styled as a   Collines de Provence. They are not about the latest discovered
          contemporary lifestyle feature. Their ground-breaking approach   ingredient or celebrity. They represent much more than that,
          continued, Collines de Provence launched the first reed diffuser,   they  have  at  their heart  the  vitality  of  pure  nature,  which
          an  innovation  that  has  been  copied  again  and  again  but  the   through their skill they have transformed  into an  experience
          original has never been bettered. What followed was a myriad   that is distinctively their own – a rare achievement.

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