Page 87 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 87


          passion you collect stamps or cook  for friends on   with  our  current  organization  and
          Sundays). As a person you have to be strongly motivated,   attacking the international markets
          and I was…. To dispel a idea about myself that I did not   with a digital model.
          want to have. That of not being capable. As a brand, you
          have to have a vision to take to the retailer as well as   EM:  Do  you  think  that your case-
          an added value with respect to what they already have.  history of success can be replicated
          FACE D takes the capacity to add products to the routines   on  foreign  markets? Do  you  feel
          of perfumery and pharmacy  clients without moving   ready to face this challenge?
          purchases from the right side to the left in the store.  Cs: The case-.history adapted to the
          When you are small, you are nobody and you do not   Italian market certainly cannot be
          have the resources, you have to “use” competition   replicated as it is on an international
          instead of seeing it as a threat, if you do that you become   market but it can certainly be a good
          a tortoise on the back of a tiger… and we have always   starting  point,  confident  in  the  fact
          used competition as a lever of acceleration… the retailers   that the whole face D team is ready for new challenges
          are enthusiastic about our model. The future objectives   and opportunities. Thanks to the increase of capital we
          are those of increasingly penetrating the Italian market   have just concluded, we have been able to bring new
                                                           know-how, especially  in the digital  branch:  we have
                                                           been joined by Encelado, the fund created by Alberto
                                                           Grignolo , ex COO of Yoox.

                                                           EM:  You are very active in communication and
                                                           digital marketing. Are you satisfied with the results
                                                           obtained so far?
                                                           Cs: We are satisfied but we can always improve. With
                                                           the digital  team we are always trying to implement
                                                           new  strategies,  certainly  a  particularity  of  Face  D  is
                                                           always having visual codes, and therefore of content,
                                                           that are atypical for the beauty world and this leads
                                                           us  to  experiment  more  and  more.  It  is  clear  that
                                                           experimentation slows you down, perhaps having the
                                                           Founder much more “active” on the social media would
                                                           have been faster… but FACE D aims to be farsighted and
                                                           not only to “surf” the present. Let’s cross our fingers.
                                                                                                Claudia Stagno
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