Page 82 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 82


          Another key  pillar to  this  brand  is  the  convergence  of
          wellbeing, beauty and self-care; an approach inspired by old-
          world apothecaries and benefits from plants. Appropriately a
          neighbouring house to Saint Rémy de Provence boutique was   As Ruth explains “ What is more precious than nature? It is the
          once home to renowned Nostradamus, also an apothecary.     universal  symbol  of  health  and  beauty;  and  there  is  nothing
          Well-suited to department stores, pharmacies, drugstores and   more essential than biodiversity. In  the beauty industry the
          organic shops Florame’s ranges include hygiene, hair care, body   question that remains is simple; how can we converge better
          care,  essential  oils,  diffusion  and  fragrances  as  well  as  men’s   efficacy of products and the preservation of nature? Certified
          grooming and a comprehensive cosmetic collection. Within the   organic products show that it is possible; there is no excuse
          beauty lines there are the popular anti-ageing Lys Perfection   for brands to mislead the consumer by tactics such as evoking
          and Age Intense, the more targeted Tolerance (sensitive skin),   nature in a drawing or using a vague perfume from an artificial
          Nutrition, Hydration and Purete as well as stand-out products   flower. True sustainability can become the norm. When you try
          such as the 5-in-1 BB Cream and Infusion Divine.           Florame the experience speaks volumes, we do not have to lie
                                                                     or pretend, the genius of nature is our heart.”
                                                                     To help reduce the damage
                                                                     of misinformation in the
                                                                     industry, Ruth and his
                                                                     team work with scientists,
                                                                     associations defending
                                                                     biodiversity, organic
                                                                     farmers and the authorities
                                                                     to continually develop
                                                                     more sustainable solutions.
                                                                     Florame is known as
                                                                     a change agent, their
                                                                     actions prove that organic
                                                                     products can outperform
                                                                     conventional ones.
          Products proudly bear a raft
          of sustainability credentials                              Creating a Vision for the future
          including Cosmebio, Cosmos,                                Florame’s new facilities in Saint Rémy de Provence demonstrate
          Ecocert  and  more.  Each  one                             the Ruth family’s belief in reinvestment. Built with the future
          is  subjected  to  rigorous                                in mind, the site is entirely sustainable from the construction
          quality  control  and  the                                 material and work-life design to the surrounding landscaping
          many  efficacy  tests  (in-vivo,                           there has been no dilution in their vision. Everything honours
          user and dermatology tests)                                the surrounding Alpilles nature reserve and the environment.
          attest  to their  exceptional                              Prior to these new headquarters in 2015 they introduced a bird
          performance.                                               sanctuary to improve the overall eco-system and protect the
                                                                     valuable wildlife habitat.
          Values that Matter
          Florame was built on a promise to create an organic brand that
          truly works, one that delivers more than just results but also
          an experience that benefits people and the planet. This in itself
          is a strong message but the Ruth’s family commitment to the
          organic movement is multidisciplinary.
          It extends beyond their own brands into the wider industry. For
          over 10 years Romain Ruth was President of Cosmebio, a role
          he only recently stepped down but remains very active in the
          association. An important area they continue to tackle is the
          widespread greenwashing that pervades the beauty industry.

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