Page 86 - EM - Export Magazine Perfumery Edition
P. 86


                           FACE D

                             A BRAND WITH GREAT ADDED VALUE

                             AND A VISION TO BRING TO RETAIL

                                                                               EXPORT MAGAZINE: You are the founder of FACe D.
                                                                               what made you create a brand of your own and how
                                                                               useful was your ten years of experience matured in
                                                                               the beauty sector, including at international level?
                                                                               CHiARA sORMANi: It was the absence of speed that
                                                                               I found in skincare, I wanted products in skincare that
                                                                               could “speak immediately”, that could tell me and show
                                                                               me  their  effectiveness  without  having  to  invest  huge
                                                                               figures to then discover two months later whether they
                                                                               really kept the promise on me as well. I am stubborn and
                                                                               determined and I had the luck to train professionally
                                                                               in the best school in the world as far as product
                                                                               development is concerned (Intercos), in the Douglas
                                                                               group in Germany I acquired the more managerial and
                                                                               retail side. The combination of the two allowed me to get
                                                                               to know the beauty world from New York, to Shanghai
                                                                               without overlooking the Middle East and Europe. ….I felt
                                                                               ready to put on to the market something that in 2013
                                                                               did not exist..
                              INTERVIEw wITh                                     EM:  what are the essential elements that

                              ChIARA SORMANI,                                  characterize FACe D?
                                                                               Cs: The speed of make-up taken to skincare to offer the
                              fOuNDER Of fACE D                                skin immediate and lasting responses; this is translated
                                                                               into speed and concrete responses, essential points for
                                                                               FACE D…and then I am from the Brianza area therefore I
          Chiara sormani is well known on the italian and international cosmetics   grew up in the world of high-end furniture  …I would say
          scene. she has won her ranks over time, appreciated everywhere she has   that attention to design is another distinctive element
          stopped top provide her professional contribution and each time giving   of FACE D.
          her full commitment to the various roles she has covered. The profession
          has  led  her  to  travel  and  live  for  some  time  in  different  countries,   EM: How has the brand evolved over time? From a
          especially in Asia, getting to know and understanding the characteristic   start-up you have become a brand of reference in
          aspects of each market.  she then decided to create a skincare brand   the pharmacy and perfumery channel in italy.
          of her own, FACe D, for a project that expressed all her expertise, and   How do you reach this goal and, above all, what are
          which had nothing that had been seen before. in ten years, FACe D has   your future objectives?
          conquered the Italian market and is now ready for new challenges.    Cs: With a real obsession, Certainly not passion (with

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