P. 18
What the AI Revolution
Will Mean for the
Beauty Industry
Image source: Pexels
Going through our daily lives, there’s no escaping the influence processes, the acceleration of global economies will be one of
of artificial intelligence nowadays. From our beloved virtual the greatest benefits brought on by this technology. According
assistants, to the next song recommendations for our favorite to PwC, AI could contribute up to US $15.7 trillion to the global
playlist, to seeing AI-generated product ads on social media — economy in 2030, more than the current output of China and
think of giant perfume bottles gliding on the Seine or taking India combined, of which US $6.6 trillion is likely to come from
over Big Ben — AI is all around us, whether we realize it or not. increased productivity and $9.1 trillion is likely to come from
AI and machine learning are advancing at lightning speed and consumption-side effects .
are set to revolutionize virtually all industries, everything from But, as we welcome these innovations, new challenges arise.
healthcare to the economy and the environment. With AI and Cybercrime and data privacy issues represent major challenges,
machine learning at the helm, we’re on the brink of remarkable and as with any technological revolution, “AI may also contribute
advancements. These technologies will revolutionize our ability to job displacement across industries, exacerbate resource and
to analyze massive data sets, uncover complex patterns, and energy use, and increase the circulation of misinformation and
enhance human intelligence, propelling scientific research into bias.” In fact, it is projected that by 2025, some 85 million jobs
a new golden age of discovery. Personalized medicine, once will be replaced by AI and 30% of jobs could be automatable
a distant dream, is now within reach thanks to AI. Imagine by the mid-2030s . For these reasons, it is essential for AI to
individualized therapies predicted in real-time, bypassing the become increasingly regulated in an ethical and responsible
lengthy clinical trial process and transforming patient care manner to ensure the safety and protection of public interest.
as we know it. But AI’s potential doesn’t stop at healthcare. It Finding a balance between harnessing these technologies and
holds the key to tackling the socioeconomic challenges and safeguarding against their risks is one of the greatest hurdles
boosting economies globally. With more efficient and accurate faced in today’s technologically advanced era.