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          TrAVeL reTAIL

          shoPPer PrIorITIes

          shIfT froM PrIce

         To exPerIence

                             ThE gLOBAL TRAVEL RETAIL INDUSTRY

                             IS ENCOUNTERINg A SIgNIFICANT

                             ShIFT IN CONSUMER BEhAVIOUR

                                                                               factor influencing travel retail shopper behaviour.
                                                                               According to m1nd-set, consumers in travel retail
                                                                               are increasingly valuing the overall shopping
                                                                               experience over the price.
                                                                               Factors such as convenience, product exclusivity,
                                                                               and the allure of unique, location-specific products
                                                                               are becoming more influential in driving purchase
                                                                               According  to  the  m1nd-set  research,  travel  retail
                                                                               consumers  are  seeking  out  experiences  and
                                                                               products  that  offer  unique  value  beyond  just
                                                                               cost savings. The research highlights the growing
                                                                               demand for distinctive and immersive shopping
                                                                               experiences. This shift in consumer behaviour
                                                                               reflects  a  broader  trend,  where  the  emotional
                                                                               and experiential aspects of shopping hold greater
                             According to research just published by leading   significance  than  price  in  the  decision-making
                             travel retail research agency m1nd-set, price is   process. The research reveals that the increasing
                             becoming  a  less  dominant  factor  in  purchasing   incorporation of technology and customized
                             decisions,  as  shoppers  prioritise  other  beneficial   services in travel retail has reduced the emphasis
                             aspects of the shopping experience in travel retail.  on price, as consumers now favour seamless
                             The research, which explores the reasons behind   omnichannel    experiences   and   personalized
                             this shift and its implications for brands and    options over mere cost savings.
                             retailers in the global travel retail sector, reveals   “Experiential retail is becoming a major trend,” m1nd-
                             that while price has traditionally been a major   set COO Clara Susset commented, “with consumers
                             determinant  in  the  purchasing  decisions  among   placing greater emphasis on the experiences
                             travellers, it is no longer the most important    associated with shopping rather than just the

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