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products themselves. Quality and sustainability are
also becoming key drivers of consumer choices. Travel
retail consumers, particularly among the younger
generations,” Susset continued, “are becoming
more discerning and willing to pay a premium for
products that are ethically produced and made
from sustainable materials, shifting the focus
away from price alone, the research reveals.
The research provides an in-depth analysis of
consumer behaviour in travel retail revealing that
the relevance of price as both a driver to visit
the Duty Free shops and a purchase driver in the
stores, has been steadily declining in recent years.
While value for money remains important, aspects
such as the desire to browse and discover new
products and indulge in self-treats are increasingly
motivating travellers to visit and purchase in Duty in the decision-making process.”
Free stores. “The research findings underscore the need for
The importance of price advantage as a reason to brands and retailers to adapt to this changing
visit Duty Free shops has fallen significantly from landscape, Marchesini continued. “This shift will
26% in 2019 to just 17% in 2024. “Price advantage” inevitably force brands and retailers in travel retail
alone is no longer among the top 5 drivers to visit, to rethink the way they operate and focus on aspects
according to the research. that create more long-lasting customer engagement”
In addition, the shift in consumer priorities is Marchesini concluded.
further demonstrated by a growing desire among
consumers to browse and discover the shops and m1nd-set and event partners Blueprint will be
the increased prominence of the attractiveness of presenting detailed insights and information on
the Duty Free environment among shop visitors. the importance of experiential retail in the travel
In store experiences are increasingly important retail environment at the EX.CEL Experiential Retail
purchase drivers in travel retail. Workshop, taking place in Cannes on Sunday 29
45% of shoppers on average now cite the in-store September from 14.30 – 17.30.
experience as a key driver to purchase, with Gen Zs For more details and to register, click here:
and Millennials leading on the experiential aspect
with 49% and 48% respectively.
The in-store experience is defined by several
factors including attractive packaging, special
activations, the possibility to try and test
products, attractive displays and special events
and themed experiences.
“The perception of value in travel retail is
undergoing a decisive transformation.” m1nd-set
Head of Business Development Anna Marchesini
explained. “While competitive pricing is still relevant,
it is no longer the primary determinant of consumer
choice. Instead, the focus is shifting towards creating
memorable, immersive shopping experiences that
engage customers on an emotional level. We are
observing a distinct trend where the emotional and
experiential value of the shopping experience has
clearly started to outweigh the importance of price